و لأننا نسعى لنشر التوعية والنهوض بالفكر والعملية التربوية عن طريق تقديم سلسلة “أنا قادر” المتكاملة ضمن خطة تستهدف كافة المناطق وخاصة المحافظات والمناطق الأقل حظا،وذلك من خلال تفعيل دور المدارس ومراكز العمل الاجتماعي والخدمة الاجتماعية والحدائق العامة والمراكز المعنية التي تستقطب الفئات المستهدفة،فإننا ندرك أهمية التشبيك والتعاون مع الجهات و الأفراد

ومن هُنا فإننا نطمَح إلى تعاونكم ومؤازرتكم في سبيل إيصال هذه المجموعات القصصيّة والشعرية إلى القراء المستهدفين من أبنائنا وبناتنا آملين في أن نجد الإسناد والدّعم والتشجيع والمؤازرة باقتناء هذه السلسلة في المكتبات العامة والمكتبات المدرسيّة و في كل الأماكن الحيوية النشطة التي تستقطب المجتمع المحلي لنشر العلم و المعرفة بأساليب متعددة و متنوعة.


The Jordan Inbound Tour Operators Association (JITOA) is a voluntary non-for-profit tourism organization that works for the benefit of the inbound industry in Jordan with a goal of raising the standards and the professionalism of the whole industry. The tourism industry is the fastest growing industry in Jordan. Tourism has the capacity to help build communities and instigate positive environmental changes. For that purpose, JITOA decided to address a major issue that is affecting the image of Jordan globally and directly affecting our lives, the environment.

Littering and dumping has sadly become part of our environment in Jordan, and the mission at JITOA’s Himmeh w Lammeh initiative, is to find long lasting and sustainable solutions to littering, that can be easily integrated and practiced by all local communities.

We realize the enormity of this task, but no real change can happen without hard work and if other countries have shown it is possible, why can’t we as Jordanians be leaders in our region and make a commitment to a cleaner future for all Jordan’s inhabitants.  We believe that we can.

We are a group of 15 women strong from different professional back grounds but, together we form a complete unit with the ability to tackle all aspects needed to make this initiative a success.

Our strategy for success has six main objectives working simultaneously:

  • A. Initiating & Supporting environmental Education
  • B. Advocating for the littering Law
  • C. Engaging the local community in all governorates.
  • D. Connecting with/ helping local environmental initiatives.
  • E. Connecting ministries on common environmental issues.
  • F. Creating awareness of the importance of touristic/ archeological/protected reserves sites to Jordan’s economy.

As we stated to you on many occasions, the clean-up was merely a start and will be on going. But our second stage is where the real work begins.

Himmeh w Lammeh (HWL) is launching our “I Can” education program for empowerment and awareness starting with our I Can training program at JUHUD. But with the current situation, we are reaching out differently. The usual methods of going out to schools and giving lectures has been done for many years and sadly, has had little effect. We are proposing to affect change through what is already an integral part of today’s youth: their phones. And this is where the Gaming lab and Mr. Nour Khrais come into play.

HWL/ I Can, will be partnering with the Gaming Lab, not for profit, to reach youth from the age of 10-16 years old both males and females. And based on our research, this age group is the “the do or die” group. The success in changing this group’s mind set will affect the entire community from now to generations to come.

The “I Can” app will engage the youth’s minds and change their mindset subconsciously as they are using the app and enjoying their time.

Times are changing and we need to change how we find solutions for today’s problems. Together with Ahli bank, we will absolutely reach our goal and affect a new and promising generation.